Wellness - The Missing Link

Wellness and Abundant Health start with having an optimally functioning nervous system. This is essential and most often the missing link in a persons quest for wellness: our nervous system controls every cell, tissue and organ of the body. If interference of nerve flow exist, primarily caused by vertebral subluxation, our ability to function normally is impaired.
During development in the womb, our nervous system is the first system to grow, controlling the function of the heart, lungs, liver and all other systems of the body. Nature gave all living creatures the miracle of life. This life-force or innate intelligence controls every function of our body, including our ability to self-heal and self-regulate. Interference to our nervous system interferes with life processes and our healing and regulating abilities, thus ultimately causing dis-ease to occur. Viruses and bacteria only attack compromised or weakened cells of the body. If our immune system is working at its optimum, we have the ability to fight off most disease, naturally. All we as human beings need is a nervous system free of nerve interference. Doctors do not heal, nor do chiropractors - chiropractors simply remove subluxations that impair nerve function and impair our healing processes. Once a subluxation has been removed, nerve flow is normalized and our innate intelligence is free to flow, allowing the body to heal itself.
The definition of health is, "An optimal state of physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Chiropractors believe that health and wellness are more than living disease free - health and wellness describe optimum function throughout life. It includes a drug and medication-free lifestyle, good nutrition, proper rest, minimized stress, regular exercise, positive mental attitude and regular chiropractic care to remove subluxation -the most serious and devastating effect on your nervous system and your health.